Middlebury Five-O: Patrick Berry


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The dynamic and exceedingly articulate Vice President of Philanthropy at
the Vermont Community Foundation talks about the core mission of the
organization, connecting compassionate and socially responsible individuals
with programs and projects that will employ the resources they have to
offer to the best possible effect. Patrick talks with fervor about the
tremendous benefit the Foundation is providing to our communities, gaining
a rich and nuanced sense of the most pressing needs and providing remedy by
funding a broad spectrum of enterprises, from the sweeping to the modest
and innovative. Recorded 1/21/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Deborah Felmeth Book Talk: Syria, Remember Me


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Deborah Felmeth shares stories of Syria and discusses her recent book entitled Syria–Remember Me. She found her way to Damascus in 1991 and fell in love with Syria: its hills, its deserts, its cities and villages, and above all its people and their culture. She never really left. Since 1996 and up until the upheavals, insanities, terrible heartbreaks and deep tragedies of recent events there, she and her husband divided their time equally between a beloved apartment above Straight Street in the Old City of Damascus and their equally well-loved home in Vermont. Recorded 1/20/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: MCTV

Public, Educational, and Governmental Access for Middlebury, Vermont