Get Involved

Your Show

Want to create your own television show? MCTV can help you make it happen!

[ezcol_1half]Use our fully equipped studio to produce your own talk shows and/or borrow our equipment to tape your show on location. MCTV staff will train you in the proper use of cameras, microphones, editing software and any other equipment you need to get your show or program on the air.[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]For more information, call (802-388-3062), e-mail info (at) middleburycommunitytv (dot) org, or stop by our Main Street studio, on the third floor of Ilsley Public Library![/ezcol_1half_end]


Learn new skills in video production, recording, and editing!

Training available upon request in:

  • video production
  • digital video recording
  • sound for digital video
  • digital video camera techniques
  • editing digital video


Get involved in the community, learn new skills, and make television!

MCTV is always looking for volunteers to help tape local events and meetings, keep the station running, and assist with studio productions.

 Legal Guidelines

MCTV does not censor material but as a PEG Access Station, MCTV cannot broadcast commercial speech, and in addition the station must comply with FCC regulations regarding the broadcasting of obscene material. Commercial speech includes but is not limited to statements describing a product, service, or business in a promotional rather than an informational light, the inclusion of business telephone numbers, or the display of products, logos, etc. Obscene speech includes but is not limited to material that an average person, applying contemporary community standards, would judge to appeal primarily to the prurient interest by depicting or describing sexual conduct in a patently offensive manner with little or no literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

All content created using MCTV resources must be aired on Channel 15 or 16!

Public, Educational, and Governmental Access for Middlebury, Vermont