ACSD Board Meeting 5/13/24


Producer: MCTV

ACSD Board Meeting 5/13/24 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)

A Call to Order Upon Reaching A Quorum Barb Wilson 5 min . 1. Introductions – Board Members, Administrators and Staff 2. Motion to Adopt Agenda B Public Comment on Agenda Items Barb Wilson 10 min . C Recommendation to Approve Minutes of 4/22/2024 Barb Wilson 5 min . Approve ACSD Bills D James Malcolm 5 min . Report of the Student Representative Eddie Fallis Sophia Lawton E 5 min . F Report of the Superintendent Tim Williams . Personnel Actions 1 10 min . Appoint Wiliam Chapman-Hale, Multi-Lingual Learner Teacher, 1.0 FTE, Step 8, effective 7/1/2024 a. b. Appoint Carline Choudhury, School Nurse, 1.0 FTE, Step 11, effective 7/1/2024 c. Appoint Laura Emilo, School Counselor, 1.0 FTE, Step 6, effective 7/1/2024 d. Appoint Danielle Morris, School Nurse, 1.0 FTE, Step 5, effective 7/1/2024 e. Appoint Ian Ross, Custodian, 1.0 FTE, Step 12, effective 5/28/2024 f. Appoint Linda Sommers, World Language Teacher – Spanish, 1.0 FTE, Step 19, *PublicCommentGuidelines: Public comments are encouraged and welcome at each regular board meeting during the period designated for public comment.Comments are limited to three minutes per person.Citizens will be called to make their statement bythe board chair. Public comments regarding personnel, students or legal matters will not be heard bythe Board. effective 7/1/2024 g. Appoint Caroline Wood, Science Teacher, 1.0 FTE, Step 1, effective 7/1/2024 Accept Resignation of Elizabeth Burrows, School Counselor, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 h. i. Accept Resignation of Emily Pottinger, Paraprofessional, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 Accept Resignation of Susan Rakowski, Speech/Language Pathologist, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 j. Accept Resignation of Nathaniel Thompson, Special Educator, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 k. G Report of the Chair Barb Wilson 30 min . 1. Board Governance – Board Self Evaluation Results & Discussion 2. Retreat Planning Update H Report of the Board 5 min . Public Comment – Any Topic Barb Wilson 5 min I. Executive Session as per 1 VSA Section 313(a)(1) SteveOrzech 20 min J. Action on ACEA Master Agreement K 5 min . L. Adjournment