Middlebury Five-O: Lynn Boggs & Ron Hallman


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]The President/CEO and the Vice President for Public Relations of Porter Medical Center talk about the expansive role of the organization, and the fundamental shifts that are redefining the role of healthcare providers in our communities – and our understanding of health itself. A tremendously enlightening show concerning a topic of profound significance to us all. Lynn and Ron do a fabulous job describing the challenges facing the industry, while at the same time conveying an inspiring vision of a more preventative, health-driven model of healthcare. Recorded 1/28/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Middlebury Five-O with Dick Terk


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Dick talks about his candidacy for the Middlebury Selectboard. He describes his experience serving on the Planning Commission and working for many years as a professional contractor overseeing a vast array of construction projects, including some of considerable size and significance. He speaks to how this expertise will be crucial as we contemplate moving forward with the Downtown railway renovation project, which looks set to radically impact the Town on every level – then goes on to share his perspective on various fundamental issues, from taxes, to economic development to our aging population. A great introduction to this eminently qualified contender. Recorded 1/28/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Public, Educational, and Governmental Access for Middlebury, Vermont