Tag Archives: selectboard candidate

Middlebury Five-O: Nick Artim


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]This multi-term member of the Middlebury Selectboard talks with characteristic charm and poise about his service to the community over the past several years, striving to help our modest town flourish. Nick touches upon some of the controversial and some of the impressive accomplishments of the board, and looks toward its future, creating economic opportunities, encouraging health and well-being, and improving our infrastructure, most notably through the upcoming railway renovation proposal. Nick talks about the expertise he’s gained as an engineer working on some large and high profile projects, and the breadth of vision he’s acquired traveling to an array of culturally diverse places around the globe. Recorded 2/8/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Middlebury Five-O: Victor Nuovo


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] This veteran Selectboard member and esteemed scholar talks about his enduring commitment to serve the people of Middlebury. Victor speaks about the vital issues facing residents, most notably the railway bridge renovation project, but also taxes, municipal services, economic development and the Town’s relationship with the College – conveying his acute sense of the complexity of these issues and offering to contribute his insight and dedication steering the community through them so it can continue to flourish. This warm and engaging show also contains a riveting introduction to British Empiricist, John Locke – including some delectable forays into his personal life. Recorded 2/3/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Middlebury Five-O: Heather Seeley


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Local business owner, excavator operator, maple sugarer, mother and Middlebury Selectboard candidate, Heather talks about her desire to serve the community in local government. She stresses how crucial it is to have diversity on the Selectboard, both for breadth of expertise and representation, and states how she believes she would meet that need. Heather talks about her experience attending meetings and serving on local committees, gaining an appreciation for the issues and how local politics functions, and she touches upon some of the key areas of concern for the community, most particularly the impending railway bridge renovation project. A warm and engaging glimpse into the life and vision of this impressive Middlebury resident. Recorded 2/1/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux

Middlebury Five-O with Dick Terk


[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end] Dick talks about his candidacy for the Middlebury Selectboard. He describes his experience serving on the Planning Commission and working for many years as a professional contractor overseeing a vast array of construction projects, including some of considerable size and significance. He speaks to how this expertise will be crucial as we contemplate moving forward with the Downtown railway renovation project, which looks set to radically impact the Town on every level – then goes on to share his perspective on various fundamental issues, from taxes, to economic development to our aging population. A great introduction to this eminently qualified contender. Recorded 1/28/16.[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
Producer: Jennifer Molineaux