ACSD Board Meeting 5/7/18


Producer: MCTV[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]ACSD Board Meeting 5/7/18. Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]

Addison Central School District
ACSD Board
Board Meeting
Monday, May 7, 2018, 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Bridport Central School
A. Call to Order Upon Reaching a Quorum
1. Introductions – Board Members, Administrators and Staff
2. Public Comment
B. Recommendation to Approve Minutes of April 16, 2018
C. Approve ACSD Bills
D. Bridport School Presentation
E. Report of the Superintendent
F. Report of the Board
1. Action: Amend Policy E21- Distribution of Non-School Sponsored Literature in Schools
2. Action: Adopt Policy C11 – Student Freedom of Expression in School Sponsored Media
3. Action: Approve ACSD Facilities Project Bids:
a. Mary Hogan School Window Project
b. Middlebury Union High School Robotics Classroom
c. Weybridge Elementary School Roof Project
4. Discussion: FY18 Quarterly Financial Report
5. Discussion: Community Outreach and Partnership
6. Discussion: Town/School Planning
7. Discussion: ACSD Task Force on Racism, Bias, and Discrimination Update
G. Other
H. Executive Session: ACSD Personnel, V.S.A. Title 1, § 313 (1) (A)
I. Adjournment

When there are many people who wish to speak, the chair can at their discretion, use a speakers’ list. Members of the public will be given an opportunity to sign the speakers’ list, indicating which agenda item will be addressed. The chair may choose to limit the time for each speaker.

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