ACSD Organizational Meeting: 6/22/16


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Organizational meeting for the new Addison Central Supervisory District (ACSD). Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]

Addison Central Unified Union School District
Middlebury Union High School
Middlebury, VT 05753

Article 1: To elect a temporary presiding officer and clerk from among the qualified voters.

Article 2: To adopt Robert’s Rules of Order or other rules of order to govern the parliamentary procedures of this and subsequent meetings of the Unified Union District.

Article 3: To elect the following officers to serve from their election and qualification for one year or until the election and qualification of their successors:

Article 4: To determine and approve compensation, if any, to be paid Ujnified Union District officers.

Article 5: To establish a date of the annual meeting.

Article 6: To establish provisions for the payment of any expense incurred by the Unified Union District.

Article 7: To authorize the Unified Union District to borrow money pending receipt of payments from the State Education Fund by issuance of its notes or orders payable not later than one year from date: provided, however, that the newly formed Unified Union District is authorized by Vermont Statutes to borrow sufficient funds to meet pending obligations.

Article 8: To transact any other school business thought proper when met.

Dated May 13, 2016
Rebecca Holcombe
Secretary of Education

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