ACSD Board Meeting 4/22/24


Producer: MCTV

ACSD Board Meeting 4/22/24 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)

A. Call to Order Upon Reaching A Quorum Introductions – Board Members, Administrators and Staff 1 5 min . 2 Motion to adopt agenda Barb Wilson 3 min . Public Comment on Agenda Items B 10 min . C Recommendation to Approve Minutes of April 8, 2024 Board Meeting 2 min . Approve ACSD Bills D 3 min . E Board Education Barb Wilson 45 min . 1. Presentation: Vermont Governance Rules for School Boards Mark Koenig, VSBA Governance Committee Report of Student Representatives Eddie Fallis Sophia Lawton F 5 min . G. Report of Superintendent 1 NEASC Accreditation Update CourtneyKrahn 20 min . Appointments/Resignations 2 5 min . a. Appoint Jennifer Billings, Math Teacher, 1.0 FTE, Step 16, effective 7/1/2024 Appoint Michael Dudek, Administrator on Assignment, 1.0 FTE, Non Union, effective 7/1/2024 b. c. Appoint Sean Hagen, Custodian, 1.0 FTE, Step 1, effective 4/23/2024 d. Appoint Steven Hill, Special Educator, 1.0 FTE, Step 3, effective 7/1/2024 e. Appoint Josie Jordan, Classroom Teacher, 1.0 FTE, Step 20, effective 7/1/2024 f. Appoint Rob McCuen, Special Educator, 1.0 FTE, Step 8, effective 7/1/2024 g. Appoint Kristopher Perkins, Special Educator, 1.0 FTE, Step 7, effective 7/1/2024 Appoint Julie Pettis, Special Education Director, 1.0 FTE, Non-union position, effective 7/1/2024 h. i. Appoint Heather Raabe, Special Educator, 1.0 FTE, Step 23, effective 7/1/2024 j. Appoint Lauren Symon, Custodian, .40 FTE, Non Union, effective 4/23/2024 k. Accept Resignation of Julianne Hayyat, School Counselor .80 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 l. Accept Resignation of Andy Maille, Custodian, 1.0 FTE, effective 4/3/2024 m. Accept Resignation of Heather Raabe, Principal, 1.0 FTE effective 6/30/2024 Accept Resignation of Laura Nugent, Special Education Director, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 n. o. Accept Resignation of Pamela Salant, Classroom Teacher, 1.0 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 p. Accept Resignation of Darcey Wijsenbeek, School Counselor, 1.0 FTE, 6/30/2024 Accept Retirement of Cindy Atkins, DP Curriculum Coordinator, .44 FTE, effective 6/30/2024 q. 3. Non-renewal of Contract. H Report of the Chair Barb Wilson 15 min . 1. Retreat Planning Update 2. Board Governance – Legislative Efforts/Involvement Discussion Report of the Board 10 min I. 1 Communications & Engagement Tricia Allen . 2 Negotiations SteveOrzech . Facilities 3 Jason Chance . 4. Finance James Malcolm Policy 5. Jamie McCallum SEPAC Joanna Doria Suzanne Buck 6. 7 Middlebury Community Television Barb Wilson . 8 Parks and Recreation MaryHeather Noble . Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center SteveOrzech Tricia Allen 9. 10 Addison County VSBA Regional Representative Suzanne Buck . Public Comment on any Topic 10 min J. K Executive Session – Title 1 V.S.A Section 313(a)(3) Barb Wilson . L. Adjournment