ACSD Board Meeting 3/25/24

  Producer: MCTV ACSD Board Meeting 3/25/24 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…) A Call to Order Upon Reaching A Quorum Barb Wilson . Introductions – Board Members, Administrators and Staff 1 5 min . Public Comment on Agenda Items B 10 min . C Recommendation to Approve Minutes of 3/11/2024 Barb Wilson 5 min . Approve ACSD Bills D James Malcolm 5 min . Report of the Student Representatives Eddie Fallis Sophia Lawton E 10 min . F Report of the Superintendent Tim Williams . 1 Student Services Presentation Nicole Carter 45 min . Action: Approve Faculty/Staff Appointments/Resignations/Retirements 2 5 min . Appoint Ryan Furmanchin as a Custodian, 1.0 FTE, Step 9 of the support staff agreement a. b. Appoint Dustin Hunt as Activities Director, 1.0 FTE, Non-Union position Appoint Megan Matas as a Paraprofessional, 1.0 FTE, Step 5 of the support staff agreement c. Appoint Taylor Miller as a Paraprofessional, 1.0 FTE, Step 3 of the support staff agreement d. *PublicCommentGuidelines: Public comments are encouraged and welcome at each regular board meeting during the period designated for public comment.Comments are limited to three minutes per person.Citizens will be called to make their statement bythe board chair. Public comments regarding personnel, students or legal matters will not be heard bythe Board. Appoint Jenna Ouellette as a Paraprofessional,1.0 FTE, Step 1 of the support staff agreement e. Accept Resignation of Skyler Ambrose, Individuals and Societies Teacher, 1.00 effective 6/30/2024 f. g. Accept Resignation of David Anderson, Special Educator, 1.00 effective 6/30/2024 h. Accept Resignation of Matthew Brankman, Principal, 1.00 effective 6/30/2024 Accept Resignation of Eliana Canas Parra, World Language Teacher, 0.6 effective 6/30/2024 i. j. Accept Resignation of Anna Hand, Health/PE Teacher, 1.00 effective 4/1/2024 k. Accept Resignation of Tracie Taylor, Paraprofessional, 1.00 effective 3/14/24 3 Action: Bank Account Resolution and Invoice Payment Authorization MatthewCorrente 5 min . G Report of the Chair Barb Wilson . 1 Ethics Declaration Barb Wilson 15 min . 2 Board Retreat Update Barb Wilson 10 min . H. Report of the Board 1 Committee Assignments Barb Wilson 10 min . Public Comment – Any Topic 10 min I. J. Adjournment