AAUW Speaker Series: On Being Enough, Combating Perfectionism Through Self-Compassion


Join us for an inspiring evening with University of Vermont physician and educator Dr. Naomi Hodde as she shares practical strategies and evidence-based techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and fostering self-compassion in all aspects of life. Drawing from her extensive experience as a physician and professor of medicine, Dr. Hodde has observed firsthand the detrimental effects of perfectionism, particularly among women and students of color in the medical field. Through her mentorship and coaching initiatives, she actively addresses and challenges the imposter syndrome and self-doubt that often hinder professional growth and success. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into navigating the pressures of perfectionism and cultivating a confident and resilient mindset. Sponsored by the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and Ilsley Public Library.

Producer: MCTV