Middlebury Selectboard 3/12/24


Producer: MCTV

Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 3/12/24 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)

7:00pm 1. **Call to Order
2. *Board Organization: Elected Members Sworn in by Town Clerk; Election of Chair and Vice Chair
3. *Approval of Agenda
4. *Approval of Consent Agenda
– 4a. Approval of Minutes of the February 13, 2024 Selectboard Meeting Minutes and February 29, 2024 Special Selectboard Meeting
– 4b. Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
– 4c. Approval of Renewal Applications for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class Liquor Licenses, Outside Consumption Permits and Entertainment Permits (if any)
4d. Consent Agenda Placeholder
4e. Consent Agenda Placeholder
4f. Town Manager’s Report
5. **Citizen Comments (Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda)
6. *Board Organization: Set Regular Meeting Date; Adopt Expenditure Review Roster; Review & Sign Operating Principles; Set Newspaper of Record; Appoint Middlebury Delegate and Alternate to Addison County Solid Waste Management District Board of Supervisors; Appoint Green Up Day Coordinator
7:15pm 7. *Emmalee Cherington, Director of Public Works Planning, Request for Approval of Submission of an Application to the Northern Borders Grant Program for Funding for Construction of the Water Tank
7:25pm 8. *Dana Hart, Library Director, and Joe McVeigh, Ilsley Public Library (IPL) 100 Project Team – Updates on Renovation/ Expansion Project and request for Notice of Intent to Bond for the Project
7:35pm 9. **Discuss Agenda and Scheduling of Selectboard Retreat
10. **Agenda Placeholder
11. **Agenda Placeholder
8:00pm 12. *Approval of Check Warrants
13. **Board Member Concerns
14. **Executive Session – Evaluation of a Public Employee
15. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
8:15pm 16. *Adjourn