ACSD Board Meeting 8/28/23

  Producer: MCTV ACSD Board Meeting 8/28/23 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…) A Call to Order Upon Reaching A Quorum Barb . 1 Introductions – Board Members, Administrators and Staff Barb 5 min . 2 Public Comment on the Agenda Items Barb 10 min . B Recommendation to Approve Minutes of August 14, 2023 Barb 5 min . C Approve ACSD Bills Chip 5 min . D Report of the Superintendent Tim Williams 10 min . E. Report of the Board 1 Discussion: Committee Updates Barb 10 min . 2 Work Plan Creation Discussion Barb 10 min . Call for 2 Volunteers to serve as Board Liaisons on the Addison Central SEPAC 3 Barb 5 min . 4 Board and Committee Meetings Barb 10 min . F Superintendent Search Barb 60 min . 1. Review Criteria 2. Review Search Process/Steps and Finalize timeline . 3. Review and Finalize Brochure 4. Advertising Venues G Public Comment – Any Topic Barb 10 min . H. Adjournment