Middlebury Selectboard 8/9/23

  Producer: MCTV Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 8/9/23 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)
5:30 1. **Call to Order 2. *Approval of Agenda 3. *Approval of Consent Agenda 3a. Approval of Minutes of the July 25, 2023 Regular Selectboard Meeting 3b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes (if any) 3c. Applications for Liquor License, Outside Consumption Permits, and Entertainment Permits (if any) 3d. Consent Agenda Placeholder 3e. Consent Agenda Placeholder 3f. Town Manager’s Report 4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda] 5. **Agenda Placeholder 5:40 6. *Request for Sole Source Purchases 6a. Sampler for Wastewater Treatment Facility 6b. Replacement of the Police Department’s Radio Repeater, which was damaged in a storm during the week of July 17, 2023 (an insurance claim has been filed) 5:45 7. *Approval of Application for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Planning Advance Loan for Asset Management Study 5:50 8. *Approval of Application for Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) for Community Capacity Building Mini-Grant 6:00 9. *Approval of Grant Application for FY24 Transportation Planning Study Grant Program offered by the Addison County Regional Planning Commission’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) 6:05 10. * Approval of Change Order for Engineering Agreement for the Exchange Street Bike/Ped Project for Final/Contract Plans, the Construction Bid Package and the Bid Process (if available, pending negotiation) 6:10 11. **Approval of Fire Station Security System Upgrades 6:15 12. *Approval of Check Warrants 13. **Board Member Concerns 14. *Executive Session – Real Estate 15. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session 6:20 16. *Adjourn