Middlebury Selectboard 11/29/22


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. *(Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]

7:00 1. **Call to Order 2. *Approval of Agenda 3. *Approval of Consent Agenda 3.a. Approval of Minutes of the November 7 and November 15, 2022, Special Selectboard Meetings 3.b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 3.c. Agenda Placeholder 3.d. Agenda Placeholder 3.e. Town Manager’s Report – FY23 Year-to-Date Budget Reports as of October 31, 2022 4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda] 7:10 5. **Agenda Placeholder 7:15 6. **Public Hearing on Charter Amendment for Appointment of a Town Treasurer by the Selectboard 7:20 7. **Gunner Tuttle and Dan Poulin, Representatives of Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO), with a presentation on proposed upgrades to VELCO’s substation located at 522 Quarry Road 7:30 8. *Chief of Police Tom Hanley, Recommendation on the Award of Cruiser Bids 7:35 9. *Director of Public Works Planning Emmalee Cherington with the Infrastructure Committee’s recommendation on the engineering agreement for the South Street Water Line final design 7:40 10. **FY24 Budget 10.a. Overview of FY24 Budget Timeline 10.b. Early view of potential major drivers 10.c. Presentation on FY24 Capital Budget Requests, as recommended by the Infrastructure Committee 10.d. Presentation and Summary of ARPA-funded Capital Improvement Projects 8:00 11. *Request from United Way of Addison County regarding the petitioning process for non-profits seeking funding from the Town 8:10 12. **Turning Point Center of Addison County request for allocation of National Opioid Settlement 8:20 13. **Dana Hart, Library Director, and Joe McVeigh, President Library Board of Trustees, with an update from the Ilsley Public Library (IPL) Project Team’s listening sessions 8:30 14. *Request for Approval of Contracting with ADP for payroll processing software and services under the Sole Source Provisions of the Procurement Policy 8:35 15. *Solar & Police Department Reuse Project Bond Reimbursement: Certificates of Completion and Appointment of Authorized Town Representatives for Financial Matters  16. **Agenda for Town/College Lunch on December 5 17. **Agenda Placeholder 18. *Agenda Placeholder 19. *Approval of Check Warrants 20. **Board Member Concerns 21. *Executive Session – Anticipated – Real Estate 22. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session 8:50 23. *Adjourn Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website, www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.