Middlebury Selectboard 9/13/22


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. *(Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]

7:00 1. **Call to Order 2. *Approval of Agenda 3. *Approval of Consent Agenda 3.a. Approval of Minutes of the August 23, 2022 Regular Selectboard Meeting 3.b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 3.c. Agenda Placeholder 3.d. Agenda Placeholder 3.e. Town Manager’s Report – FY23 Year-to-date budget reports 7:05 4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda] 5. **Agenda Placeholder 7:10 6. *Nominations to Fill Vacancy on Selectboard 7:20 7. *Karen Duguay, Better Middlebury Partnership, and Phil Sommers, Addison County Chamber of Commerce, regarding their request for a Public Assemblage Permit for a Car Show on October 16, 2022, including the closure of Main Street 7:30 8. *Discuss Timeline for Amending the Charter to Allow the Selectboard to Appoint a Town Treasurer and Warn First Public Hearing on Charter Change for September 27 if the vote will be at the General Election in November 7:35 9. *Dan Werner, Director of Public Works Planning, with updates and recommendations from the Infrastructure Committee meeting of September 8, 2022 9.a. *Award Contract for Bakery Lane Project Engineering up to bid publication 9.b. *Discuss Opinion of Probable Cost for South Street Water/Wastewater/Highway/Stormwater Project 9.c. *Discuss Wastewater Treatment Facility Renewable Treatment Study 9.d. *Update on Court Street – Monroe Street – Charles Avenue Intersection: first look at preliminary design 9.e. *Request from Ilsley 100 Project Team to award contract to Erickson Consulting for cost estimating services for library renovation/expansion project 7:50 10. **Discussion of Middlebury Airport 10.a. *Submission of Comments on the Airport Master Plan to the Vermont Agency of Transportation before the September 15, 2022 deadline for comments 10.b. **Submission of Comments on the Agency of Transportation’s pending Act 250 application, 9A0158-12, for partial findings for future hangar development. The deadline for the submission of comments to Act 250 has not been finalized at publication of this agenda, but is anticipated to be late October/early November 8:20 11. **Agenda Placeholder 12. *Approval of Check Warrants 13. **Board Member Concerns 14. *Executive Session – Personnel & Contracts – Anticipated 15. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session 8:35 16. *Adjourn

Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website, www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.