Sheldon Museum: “The Birth and Rebirth of the Sheldon Museum” by David Stameshkin


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Dressed as Henry Sheldon, historian Dr. David Stameshkin will bring the history of Henry Sheldon and his museum to life in this entertaining talk.

Henry Sheldon chartered one of the first community-based museums in the United States in 1882.  After he died in 1907, the Museum—and his dream of sharing his many treasures with the world—was suspended for three decades, until a small group of energetic and creative Middleburians brought it back to life and made Henry’s dream come true.

 Dr. David Stameshkin, the author of a two-volume history of Middlebury College, is writing a history of the Sheldon in connection with the celebration of Henry’s 200th birthday this year.

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Producer: Henry Sheldon Museum