Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 7/31/18


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. (Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]



1. **Call to Order

2. *Approval of Agenda

3. *Approval of Minutes of July 10, 2018 Selectboard Meeting

4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues that are not otherwise included on this agenda]


5. *Jan Demers, Executive Director of Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity, in Regard to Building a Stronger Relationship with the Town of Middlebury

7:15 6. *Request from Ilsley Library Director Dana Hart to Serve Beer and Wine at a Library Event and Reception on September 20, 2018


7. *Follow-up Discussion of Charge and Work Product of Economic Health Committee and Appointments to the Committee


8. *Purpose Energy Request for a Waiver of the 45-Day Notice Requirement for a Certificate of Public Good


9. **Approve Declaration of Official Intent of the Town of Middlebury to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from Proceeds of Indebtedness for Wastewater System Improvements


10. *Request for Sole Source Procurement of Archaeological Services for Middlebury Flood Resiliency Project


11. **Review July 2018 Status Report & Update on Selectboard Project Priorities


12. *Approval of Check Warrants

13. *Town Manager’s Report

14. **Board Member Concerns


15. *Executive Session – Not Anticipated – TBD

16. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session

17. *Adjourn

* Decision Item

** Possible Decision

Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website, www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.

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