Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 12/27/16


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. (Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]


1. **Call to Order
2. *Approval of Agenda
3. *Approval of Minutes of December 13, 2016 Regular Selectboard Meeting
4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues that are not otherwise included on thisagenda]

5. **Director of Planning & Zoning Jennifer Murray Regarding Submission of an Application for Better Connections Grant Funding

6. *Public Hearing on Close-Out of North Pleasant Street Housing Rehabilitation Project

7. **Middlebury Business Development Fund Evaluation Committee White Paper – Overview by Committee Chair Nick Artim

8. *Public Hearing on FY18 General Fund Budget Proposal, Including Administration, Libraries, Public Safety, Public Works and Parks & Recreation

9. **Jamie Gaucher, Director of Business Development & Innovation, Regarding the MBDF Advisory Board Meeting of December 20th to Review Proposal for Use of the Town’s Revolving Loan Fund for Infrastructure Investments for a Beverage Hub

10. *Approval of Check Warrants
11. *Town Manager’s Report
12. Board Member Concerns
13. *Executive Session – if needed
14. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session

15. *Adjourn

* Decision Item
** Possible Decision

Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website,www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.

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