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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. (Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]
1. *Call to Order
2. *Approval of Minutes of August 23, 2016 Regular Selectboard Meeting
3. *Approval of Agenda
4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues that are not otherwise included on this agenda]
5. *Drop-In Brewing’s Request for an Amendment to its Liquor License
6. **Gerhardt Meyer, Knights of Columbus, Regarding Placement of Placard on Welcome to Middlebury Sign
7. *Nancy Bascom Howe and Nancy Foster, Bascom Inquiry about Granting Otter Creek Fishing Access to the Town
7:30 8. *Parks & Recreation Update, including Award of Contract for Warming Hut Roofing and Pool House Siding & Window Replacement Project
9. *Infrastructure Committee Meeting of September 8, 2016
9.a. Proposal for Wet Weather Flow Evaluation as required as under the EPA Order on Consent
9.b. Pick-up Truck bids – Hwy Dept.
9.c. Review engineering proposal for repairs to water reservoir
9.d. Update on RFP for Middlebury Flood Resiliency Project Management Services
10. *94 Main Street Update, including request for Municipal Building Demolition Project Change Order and Authorize of Signature of Deed for Property to
Middlebury College
11. *Approve High Risk Rural Roads Program Maintenance Agreement for Elm St. and Exchanges St.
12. *Draft Safe Public Meeting Policy
13. *Appoint Voting Delegate to VLCT Town Fair and Registration for Town Fair
14. *Approval of Check Warrants
15. *Town Manager’s Report
16. Board Member Concerns
17. *Executive Session
18. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
19. *Adjourn
* Decision Item
** Possible Decision
Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website,www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.