Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 8/27/24

  Producer: MCTV Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 8/27/24 Click here to dowload the agenda (Full agenda continues below…) 7:00 1. **Call to Order 2. *Approval of Agenda 3. *Approval of Consent Agenda 3a. Approval of Minutes of the August 13, 2024 Regular Selectboard Meeting 3b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 3c. Approval of Renewal Applications for 1 st, 2nd , & 3rd Class Liquor Licenses, Outside Consumption Permits, and Entertainment Permits 3d. Approval of Grant Agreement with Vermont Department of Economic Development for Community Recovery and Revitalization (CRRP) Grant Funding for Stonecrop Infrastructure Improvements 3e. Review & Approval of Letter to the Vermont Agency of Transportation requesting the discontinuance of use of pesticides at the Middlebury State Airport 3f. Consent Agenda Placeholder 3g. Consent Agenda Placeholder 3h. Consent Agenda Placeholder 3i. Town Manager’s Report • 2023 Flood Recovery Local Economic Impact Payment of $30,000 received • Update on TextMyGov program enrollment • FY25 Application for Congressionally Directed Spending for construction of water tank did not make the final cut 4. *Citizen Comments (Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda) 7:05 5. *Fire Chief David Shaw, Request for Approval of Purchase Order for Turnout Gear 7:10 6. *Appointment to Addison County Regional Planning Commission 7:15 7. **Kate Rothwell, Executive Director of Middlebury Regional EMS, with Updates 7:20 8. *Emmalee Cherington, Director of Public Works Planning, with Updates from the Infrastructure Committee Meeting of August 22, 2024 8a. *Recommendation on Johnson Well 4 Repairs 8b. *Review of Otter Creek Engineering Proposal – Seminary Street Extension Sewer Line Improvement 7:30 9. *Public Hearing on the Downtown Improvement District Ordinance for Renewal of the Downtown District 7:45 10. *Approval of the Downtown District Tax Rate 7:55 11. *Update on Stonecrop Housing Project – Review & Approval of Development Agreement Town of Middlebury, Vermont Selectboard Meeting Tuesday August 27, 2024 7:00PM Large Conference Room 77 Main Street, Middlebury videoconference available (Instructions below) 8:10 12. **Chris Huston, Vice President of Preconstruction at ReArch Company, with updates from the Ilsley Public Library Renovation/Expansion Project 12a. *Request for approval of letter of intent to apply for Northern Borders Regional Commission Grant 8:25 13. *Danielle Wallace, Executive Director, Turning Point Center of Addison County – Regarding National Opioid Settlement Funding 8:35 14. **Agenda Placeholder 8:45 15. **Agenda Placeholder 8:50 16. **Agenda Placeholder 17. *Approval of Check Warrants 18. **Board Member Concerns 19. *Executive Session – Anticipated – Contracts & Personnel 20. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session 9:10 21. *Adjourn