Middlebury Selectboard 5/23/23


Producer: MCTV

Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 5/23/23 Click here to download the agenda (Full agenda continues below…)

7:00 1. **Call to Order 2. *Approval of Agenda 3. *Approval of Consent Agenda 3a. Approval of Minutes of the May 9, 2023 Regular Selectboard Meeting 3b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes 3c. Approval of Renewal Applications for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Class Liquor Licenses, Outside Consumption Permits and Entertainment Permits 3d. Certification of Local Governance Approval re: Charter House Coalition 3e. Letter of Support from Town – Otter Creek Childcare Center Grant 3f. Request for Extension for Filing Grand List 3g. Town Manager’s Report 4. *Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda] 7:10 5. Public Assemblage Permit Requests 5a. Middlebury American Legion Post 27 – Memorial Day Parade 5b. Better Middlebury Partnership – Block Party/Tiger Day 7:15 6. *Fred Kenney, Addison County Economic Development Corporation, Presentation on Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIFs) 7:45 7. *Emmalee Cherington, Director of Public Works Planning with Updates & Recommendations from the May 11, 2023 Infrastructure Committee Meeting 7a. Paving Contract 7b. Asset Management Engineering Contract 7c. Mary Hogan Stormwater Design Contract 7d. Wastewater Generator Quote 7e. Culvert Engineering Agreement 7f. Request for Proposals for Roof Top Solar on Municipal Buildings 7g. Boardman Street Intersection – Advancing to Scoping Study 7h. Project Updates 8:05 8. *Annual Approval of the Certification of Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards and Network Inventory 8:10 9. *Report on the Personnel Committee Meeting of May 17, 2023, including a recommendation on creating a full-time custodial position at the Ilsley Public Library 8:15 10. *Approval of Lease Agreement for Storage of Municipal Records 8:20 11. *To authorize the Town Manager to proceed with the Purchase of the former Maverick Gas Station from Global Montcello Group Corp and authorize the Treasurer to issue payment for the purchase 8:25 12. *Approval of Check Warrants 13. **Board Member Concerns Town of Middlebury Selectboard Meeting Tuesday May 23, 2023 7:00 P.M. Large Conference Room 77 Main Street, Middlebury videoconference available (Instructions below) 14. *Executive Session – Not Anticipated 15. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session 8:45 16. *Adjourn