Middlebury Selectboard 8/10/21


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. *(Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]


1. **Call to Order
2. *Approval of Agenda
3. *Approval of Consent Agenda
3.a. Approval of Minutes of the July 27, 2021 Selectboard Meeting and August 3, 2021 Special Selectboard Meeting
3.b. Acceptance of Selectboard Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
3.c. Consent Agenda Placeholder
3.d. Town Manager’s Report
4. *Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda]
5. *Agenda Placeholder
7. *Police Chief Tom Hanley with a recommendation from the Public Health & Safety Committee on amendments to the Ordinance for the Regulation of Vehicle Weight and Height Limits on Town Highways
8. *Downtown Railroad Bridge Replacement Project Community Liaison Jim Gish
8.a. *Recommendation for the purchase and placement of downtown park benches, as budgeted by the Downtown Improvement District Commission
8.b. *Update on planning for the Bridge & Rail Project completion celebration on August 21st
9. *Consider Change Order for Middlebury River Flood Resiliency Project to shotcrete flood wall to address cracking and spalling (If Available)
10. *Approval of Purchase Order for replacing worn steering cylinder pin on Trackless sidewalk machine
11. *Approval of Check Warrants
12. **Board Member Concerns
13. *Executive Session – None Anticipated
14 **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
15. *Adjourn
* Decision Item     ** Possible Decision

Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website, www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.