Middlebury Selectboard Meeting 11/17/20


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Middlebury Selectboard Meeting. Click here for the agenda. *(Description continues…)[/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_1third]


1. **Call to Order
2. *Approval of Agenda
3. *Approval of Minutes of the November 10, 2020 Regular Selectboard Meeting
4. **Citizen Comments [Opportunity to raise or address issues not otherwise included on this agenda]
5. **Local Emergency Management Director/Chief of Police, Update on Pandemic Response
6. **FY2022 Budget & 2021 Town Meeting Preparations during COVID-19 Pandemic
6.a. **Consider Letter from United Way of Addison County Executive Director Helena Van Voorst regarding social service agency petitions for Town funding
6.b. **Consider request from David Silberman regarding the addition of an article to the Town Meeting Warning, “Shall the Town of Middlebury permit the operation of cannabis retailers and Integrated Licensees which are licensed by the State of Vermont pursuant to Act 164 of 2020, subject to such municipal ordinance and regulation as the Selectboard may lawfully adopt and implement?”, by Selectboard initiative, rather than by Citizens Petition
6.c. **Note passage of S.354 by the Legislature, which allows for Australian ballot voting for all any or all municipal meetings in 2021 by vote of a legislative body (consideration and action (if any) on this matter will follow at a Board meeting in December)
7. ** Director of Public Works Planning Dan Werner with updates and recommendations from the Infrastructure Committee Meeting of November 12, 2020
7.a. *Recommendation on Installation of Radio Repeater for Public Works
7.b. **Brief summary of Judith Harris’s Updated Report on the Public Works Building Project
8. *Director of Public Works Planning Dan Werner Overview of and Committee Recommendation on FY22 Capital Improvement Budget (if available)
9. **Karen Duguay of the Better Middlebury Partnership with a report on activities associated with the VT Agency of Transportation’s Marketing Grant, including a report on 2020 summer and current events and upcoming events
10. *Downtown Bridge Project Community Liaison Jim Gish with a request for funding for pavers for Printers Alley
11. *Discuss Renewal of Lease Agreement for the Recreation Park with the Addison Central School District
12. **Discuss the Board’s Approach on Advancing Race Equity & Inclusion (pending any update)
13. **FY21 Year-to-Date Budget Reports for the General Fund, Equipment Fund, Water Fund and Wastewater Fund as of October 31, 2021
14. *FY22 Budget Timeline and an Overview of Preliminary Major Budget Drivers
15. *Approval of Check Warrants
16. **Town Manager’s Report
17. **Board Member Concerns
18. *Executive Session – Anticipated
19. **Action on Matters Discussed in Executive Session
20. *Adjourn
* Decision Item      ** Possible Decision

Additional information about most Agenda items is available on the Town’s website, www.townofmiddlebury.org on the Selectboard page.